Uber Eats Online Food Delivery

Uber Eats is an American online food ordering and delivery platform launched by Uber in 2014. Uber Eats makes getting great food from your favorite local restaurants as easy as requesting a ride. The Uber Eats app connects you with a broad range of local restaurants and food, so you can order from the full menus of your local favorites whenever you want.

Install Uber Eats Mobile apps

Shop conveniently from your mobile phone downloading the Uber Eats iOS and Android apps.

Apple StoreGoogle Play Store
Get the appGet the app

Uber Eats Delivery fees

Delivery fees vary for each merchant based on your location and availability of nearby delivery people. You'll always know the delivery fee before selecting a merchant. For each order, you'll pay for the cost of the food, an Uber Eats booking fee, and any applicable taxes.

Uber Eats Delivery times

Every order can be delivered in as little as 30 minutes. Once the restaurant receives your order, they’ll get to work preparing your food and then carefully package it. Once it's all ready to go, an Uber Eats rider will pick it up and bring it to you.

How to order online from Uber Eats

To order online, you have to:

  • Go to Uber Eats app, scroll through the list of available restaurants and when you find something you like, tap to add it to your order
  • When you’re ready to check out, you’ll see your address, an estimated delivery time, and the price of the order including tax and delivery fee. When everything looks right, just tap Place order
  • Once it's all ready to go, an Uber Eats rider will pick it up and bring it to your address for you to enjoy